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adidas から新しく登場したサンダル、ASTIR SNDL
“世界を広げてくれるサンダル” ASTIR SNDL のコンセプトにぴったりな、リリースの度に驚きと新しい発見をくれる唯一無二のアーティスト LANA と、パワフルで観てる人を圧巻させる DANCER LILI の2人が履きこなす ADIDAS STYLE 。
はじめての姉妹 VISUAL は、Should check !!

GenZ のトレンドは、いつもだれかが探している…。
Astir SNDL は、暑い夏の日に、モダンでトレンディなスタイリングをするのにぴったりなアイテム。
FEMALE TREND CADETTEOur GenZ Trend Cadette is looking for progressive designs which support their individual expression. They are nostalgic about their youth and don’t want to sacrifice style. Self-expression is most important to them.The Astir SNDL is the perfect fit for hot summer days to be styled in a modern, trendy way. Inspired by the current outdoor movement, the design features perfect links which combines innovation and styling. Expressive look with the additional benefit of functionality.They are looking for unexpected looks and the opportunity to express themselves by clashing different design directions.

Astir SANDAL があれば、お気に入りの一着でどこへでも出かけられます。
Let the outdoor adventure start – no matter in nature or on the streets. With the Astir SNDL you can go anywhere in your favorite outfit. The upper is made with soft leather upper and syn suede sidewalls, combined with a sporty open mesh for comfortable fit under the lacing construction. A speed lace allows perfect adjustment.